FDI World Dental Congress


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Congress News

15 January 2020

Register today to enjoy early-bird rates

Registration for World Dental Congress 2020 Shanghai is in full swing. Don’t delay – reserve your spot today. Early-bird rates until 31 May.

Register here  

Browse accommodation options

Accommodation details are available now. You’ll be able to make hotel reservations once you register for the Congress.

Accommodation in Shanghai  

Prepare and submit your abstract

Abstract submission will run until 25 March 2020. Authors may submit abstracts for oral presentations and posters in the following categories: general dentistry; preventive dentistry; dental treatment and restorative dentistry; and oral surgery, medicine and cancer.

Abstract submission guidelines  

Soft tissue management is necessary and important not only for aesthetic purposes, but for biological ones too

Interview with Dr Stefan Fickl

Dr Stefan Fickl
Associate Professor of Periodontology and
Implant Dentistry
Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, Germany

In Shanghai, Dr Fickl will discuss the importance of a proper soft tissue mantle around dental implants to improve dental aesthetics and support long-term stability to prevent peri-implant infections. He will also focus on surgical techniques and materials (from autologous tissue, xenografts, and matrices) for soft tissue regeneration.

Read full interview

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FDI World Dental Federation

Avenue Louis-Casaï 51
Geneva, GE 1216

T +41 22 560 81 50
E info@fdiworlddental.org

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